Christmas in July

Christmas in July

July 25

Join us as we celebrate Christmas in July!
We hold this event every year to bring awareness to the homeless and hurting in our community during a time of the year when many people may not be thinking about those struggling.
“In the winter and especially during Thanksgiving and Christmas, we see a huge outpouring of support from our community, and believe me we are grateful for that,” says Luis Santoni, the Mission’s Executive Director. He adds, “People are hurting all year around. The mission is providing services 365 days a year.”
We will be serving a full Christmas dinner.


Date: July 25

Time: TBD

Venue: 355 Record Street, Reno

homeless services, reno homeless services, sparks homeless services

You can help hurting neighbors find hope at the Reno-Sparks Gospel Mission!

Meals, housing and recovery… made possible by YOU