Justine Morales

Meet James

Giving thanks for YOU James has a NEW LIFE this Easter! “I hated being myself, I wanted to fill the void by not feeling any more pain.” James was taken away from his mom when she was 16 years old because she didn’t know how to take care of him.


Meet Colleen

Giving thanks for YOU Thank you for giving Colleen a life-changing gift this Christmas! “I have found a future and a purpose.” Colleen grew up in a “good, hearty, wholesome family,” but a series of losses and mental illness shook her once-stable environment.  She lost her grandmother – her rock

Donald Lucero

Meet Donald

Giving thanks for YOU Donald shares how your support changed his life! “I should’ve been dead.” All Donald wanted was a relationship with his father. It wasn’t until he was an adult with three children that he got that validation from him. “He told me he was proud of me

Haley Vickers

Meet Haley

The love YOU share gives neighbors like Haley hope for a better life… “This program saved my life!” When Haley was only 2, her father passed away, forcing the family to move and her mother into single parenthood. Haley idolized her mom, who worked long hours as an ER nurse,

Liese Rapozo

Meet Liese

Liese is celebrating Easter with JOY – because of you! “I didn’t think there was a purpose to anything.” When Liese looks back on her childhood, she can’t recall a single moment she felt safe. Her father died of complications from alcoholism when she was 10, and her mentally imbalanced


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Meals, housing and recovery… made possible by YOU